A Hamster's Eye View of Blackpool

A blog from a hamster cage

Yo! Ho! Ho!

19-Sep-2017 | Milku

And a bottle of water...

Ahoy, me Hearties! Today is Talk Like a Pirate Day.

I was rudely awoken yesterday evening by a scurvy dog rummaging in my cage. (Not an actual dog, you understand. I'm trying to talk like a pirate...)

As expected, a new water bottle was being installed. Disappointingly, it was the same as the previous one. My humans claimed the coloured water bottles were a bit flimsy... It's not as if I was going to gnaw a hole in it. They know I don't vandalise my cage. I don't even gnaw at the chew toys they bought me.

But, blow me down! There was more...those landlubbers can't resist buying me new things...I know I'm spoiled...

They'd acquired a couple of wooden playsticks. Really, that doesn't describe them at all. They're a set of little sticks that are bound together into a flexible mat. They could be shaped to make a shelter, but my humans have linked them to make a new ramp for me. It's now easy to get into the roof of my den. I didn't bother much before...took too much effort and my humans rarely left any snacks up there...not after I woke the big fella by banging a seed bar against the wood...

Milku in kapok

They've added a bit of colour to one of the platforms. They've hung a mobile that looks like it's made out of multi-coloured ice lolly sticks in a corner. I suppose I'm supposed to do something with it...

And best of all, I've now got my own "purple box". My little humans had a sweet tub that was replenished with various sweets and treats...and it was always known as the purple box because that's the brand colour for Quality Street...

I had a few nearly empty bags of treats lying around and those have been tidied into my purple box. My humans were also tempted by an offer on some new treats ( linseed triangles, carrot bites and a bag full of mixed petals) and let me try them out yesterday.

Delicious! You should try some.