A Hamster's Eye View of Blackpool

A blog from a hamster cage

Hopefully Everton won't be nice tonight.

14-Sep-2017 | Milku

Time to bounce back after Sunday's defeat.


So Everton were too "nice" when they played Tottenham... Hopefully, they'll have put all that behind them as they face Atalanta this evening. I've read that the Atalanta from Greek mythology was a fierce hunter...hope the Italian version isn't quite so strong and resourceful...

Yesterday, it was Peanut Day and my humans gave me a some peanuts as a snack. I do wish they'd start shelling them for me though. They seem to think that I should enjoy gnawing the nuts out of the shell...er, why would I want to do that... I insist that the least they do is break a hole in the shell to help me... I haven't got time to waste wrestling with shells.

At least peanuts are easier to carry than pea pods. I tried to carry a pea sideways through my tunnel the other day and it wouldn't fit! I suppose I could've changed how I was carrying it, but at the time it seemed easier to change my destination. I just hauled my treats down the ramp in my cage instead.