A Hamster's Eye View of Blackpool

A blog from a hamster cage

These are but wild and whirling words, my lord.

16-Oct-2017 | Milku

Rather like our weather later today.

I'm conscious that I have to up my game today because it's Dictionary Day.

It was actually dictionary day in my house yesterday as the Scrabble board was brought out and two teams competed for supremacy. The scores were close. I was impressed.

So with Dictionary Day officially here, I should explore the extensive English language that I've adopted...not much call for hamster-ese on the internet at the moment. I've decided to sign up to get a word of the day emailed to me. I'm chary about committing to weaving these words into my posts, but I'll try.

Also, I'm going to follow the Oxford English Dictionary Twitter feed to get another word of the day...but I can't think of a comment about soutaches...

We're bracing ourselves for a storm. The remains of Hurricane Ophelia are due to hit Blackpool later this afternoon. I don't think we'll be thinking the same about Ophelia as Hamlet did:

I lov'd Ophelia: forty thousand brothers
Could not, with all their quantity of love,
Make up my sum.


I'd suggest: "O most pernicious woman!" will be nearer the mark.