A Hamster's Eye View of Blackpool

A blog from a hamster cage

Don't get your fur in a knot.

02-Oct-2017 | Milku

It's actually Fair Trade Month.

Someone said October was Fur Trade month. My humans had better not get any ideas!

What?...oh, my mistake... it's Fair Trade month.

My little humans have got the option of testing out an Ethical Consumer activity for the Girl Guides. They could have done something involving fair trade. But I think they've chosen to look at the alternative Emergency Action challenges. I hope looking after me during an emergency is top of their priorities.

Milku in kapok

I can't even begin to think about Everton's result against Burnley...So the Everton manager has the full support of the Everton chairman...that usually means a P45 is in the post...

And finally, today is Name your car day. One of my humans has given names to some of her cars. One was Paisley and another was O'Hara...because of their colours...I don't have to spell it out for you, do I?

Milku would be a fine name for a car...I just don't want it being applied to the drab grey vehicles in this household.