A Hamster's Eye View of Blackpool

A blog from a hamster cage


27-Nov-2017 | Milku

The school's great, but I think we still need the beer...

photo of Milku with an emoji keyring

With one of my big humans currently taking an online course with Ryerson University's Chang School of Continuing Education, it's set the Everton fan in my house thinking...Chang, the beer people rather than the educators, were, until recently, Everton's sponsors. And things were going OK.

Now with Sport Pesa on the team's shirts, things are not going well. Oh, I might as well type it out...things are going very badly. The 'R' word is being mentioned...often. My big girl has lived through a few seasons when Everton flirted with relegation, but survived. She's not looking forward to it all happening again. I don't think she's feeling very optimistic.

As well as seeking distractions in the Chang School, maybe she should seek consolation in the Chang beer for old times' sake...

Photo of Milku