A Hamster's Eye View of Blackpool

A blog from a hamster cage

Black Friday?

24-Nov-2017 | Milku

Yesterday was definitely a Black Thursday for Evertonians...

photo of Milku with an emoji keyring

Black Friday? I'm not going to get involved in a shopping frenzy. I'm hoping that my humans will buy me everything I want. Instead, I'm going to promote Buy Nothing Day. It's far better for your bank balance and stress levels.

Of course, stress levels in my house aren't doing so well after yesterday's football results. We knew that Everton couldn't progress to the next round of the Europa League, but still had hopes that they would try to win the match. We were disappointed. Losing by five goals to one to Atalanta wouldn't be great at any time, but it somehow makes it worse that it happened at Goodison Park, Everton's home ground.

Of course, I believe that the place was half empty, but no one can blame the fans for not venturing out on a miserable autumn night if the team might be expected to lose. Definitely a "Black Thursday".

And I thought my blog's monochrome colour scheme would be accessible. However, it seems that the contrast levels aren't up to the required levels. It's probably because the background of the banner isn't uniformly black. If I'm changing things, I may take the opportunity to introduce a bit of colour. I'd ask my little humans for suggestions, but they're battling over the colours for the feature walls in their bedroom...and none of their favourites sound suitable for my requirements.

Photo of Milku standing by a pumpkin