A Hamster's Eye View of Blackpool

A blog from a hamster cage

The answer is forty three.

30-Jul-2017 | Milku

It's 43 years since England have beaten France in women's football.

Fans of Douglas Adams might think that the answer to Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything is forty two. But today, the number we need to reflect on is forty three. It's been 43 years since England's women have beaten their French counterparts on a football pitch. They've only tried 19 times to do it. It'll be twentieth time lucky tonight I'm sure.

Milku standing on a chair

I've been looking at the MFK Ruzomberok badge. I'm glad I didn't notice its similarity to Lancashire's red rose emblem. Otherwise, I'd have been confused about who I was supporting when they played Everton last week.

MFK Ruzomberok badge

Then again, the red rose reminds me of football teams whose team colour is red that I don't support... I can't bring myself to type out the names... No fear then that I would switch my allegiance from Everton. Blue is the colour. Oh, hang on...the French women's team are known as Les Bleues...I need to lie down...

Milku with Adventure Time figures