A Hamster's Eye View of Blackpool

A blog from a hamster cage

They took the hint.

22-Jul-2017 | Milku

My humans have bought me a lovely new bed...and some delicious muesli.

I think my humans must secretly read my blog. They've taken the hint I left in my last post about Pets@Home having some lovely new beds in stock. They showed me their purchase yesterday. It looks so soft and comfortable. But they haven't let me have it yet. OK, so I was a bit reluctant to get up yesterday and they didn't want to disturb me. Plus, they want to clean my cage out first. I'll be able to give my review of the bed soon...I hope...

Milku in kapok

But that wasn't the only thing they bought. They purchased some new muesli for me. They've obviously noticed that I'm not too keen on some of the things in the last bag of food...those yellow flakes...yuk!

This time I'm trying Harry Hamster Complete Muesli. Now Harry seems to know just what a hungry hamster wants. Plenty of seeds, Big, chunky pieces. Plenty of flavour. I dived into my bowl straight away. I even ignored the dish of treats. And that has never happened before.

Milku with a pink rabbit

I think I like the summer holidays if it gives my humans more time to go shopping for me. If only they wouldn't add strange things to my exercise box to try to entertain me...pink bunnies...whatever were they thinking...I don't care if it did come all the way from Poland.