A Hamster's Eye View of Blackpool

A blog from a hamster cage

Celebrating Robert Hooke's birthday...

18-Jul-2017 | Milku

And hopefully a swimming gala win.

Milku lying across an arm

I'm hoping for good news later. One of my little humans has been participating in school swimming gala today and I'd like to think that her efforts will have helped her school to win something. I know that it's the taking part that counts really, but I prefer to win if at all possible. And there is a spare birthday cake in the kitchen from last weekend...if our school has been victorious there's a chance that the cake might be cut!

Today is Robert Hooke's birthday. He won't be sharing our cake as he was born in 1635, but we'll celebrate on his behalf. Hooke gave his name to Hooke's Law...you think he'd have been a bit more imaginative...which states that 'the force exerted on a spring is proportional to its extension'. I think I've been experiencing something like that in my cage...my extendable tube seems to drop a bit lower than it used to when I go inside it. I wonder if it's because I'm heavier? I want to put on record that I'm not over indulging on snacks, of course. It's just a natural weight gain because I've been growing up.

And just for completeness, so you don't think Robert Hooke was a one trick pony, he also wrote a book on microscopes, made Robert Boyle an air pump so that he could study gases and coined the biological term ‘cell’.

Milku chewing a fluffy bug