16-Jul-2017 | Milku
What's worth celebrating there?
Today is Guinea Pig Appreciation Day. I can't see the point of it. What can you appreciate about guinea pigs? Take it from me, they're not nearly as wonderful as hamsters. The boys in the next cage to mine in Pets@Home were boring...just like the rabbits, but with smaller ears. And they were vain, thinking their long furry coats were so special. I'm not going to be celebrating.
However, I assume that there will be lots of celebrations in South America. Guinea pigs seem to be treated as something special over there. A food delicacy apparently...I'll stick with my treats, thanks. Even strawberries look more appetising. And guinea pigs are used in traditional medicine! I'm particularly intrigued by their use in diagnosing ailments...the body of a sick person is rubbed with a live guinea-pig until the animal dies. Then the healer cuts up the guinea pig to check its organs, which can reveal what is wrong with the human patient. I can't see that catching on in Blackpool.
Who needs to celebrate guinea pigs anyway. We've already had a big celebration this week. One of my little humans has just become a teenager...although
I'd suggest she has been acting like one for some time now. She still deserved a big cake though...and lots of presents.
I'm still hoping to receive a tiny morsel of the cake. It looks delicious. I'd even settle for a play in
the discarded wrapping paper. I'll keep my paws crossed that I'll get lucky.