A Hamster's Eye View of Blackpool

A blog from a hamster cage

I'm not sure I see the joke in some cartoons.

10-Jul-2017 | Milku

Maybe hamsters have a different sense of humour to humans.

cartoon of 2 hamsters and a wheel

My humans think the above cartoon is very appropriate for me. I have to admit that I don't do a lot of exercising in my wheel when they're around. I don't use it much when I'm by myself either...I view it more as a novelty toilet for occasional use...

Milku's face

I was very proud of my little humans today...they graduated! They're not some child prodigies who have attended college early or anything. No, it was a Children's University graduation, where children are awarded different certificates, degrees and diplomas for completing different extra-curricular activities. Their hours of swimming and Brownies and the like all add up. So my little friends acquired gold degrees. They got to dress up in lovely blue caps and gowns with lots of their school friends. And all threw their caps in the air at the end. It sounds like great fun.

I have to tell you that I tasted some peas for the first time yesterday. I stuffed them quickly into my cheek pouches along with a few other tasty morsels so my humans aren't really sure whether I liked them or not. As far as they know I might have simply spat them out in disgust in my den. But I can confide in you, can't I? Those peas were rather nice. Far better than the strawberries they tried to get me to eat.

cartoon with cats outside a pet shop wanting to buy hamsters