A Hamster's Eye View of Blackpool

A blog from a hamster cage


20-Aug-2017 | Milku

A new element.

Apparently, the first visible quantity of a plutonium compound, plutonium(IV) iodate, was isolated on this day in 1942. I wonder why they named it after a cartoon character...

Anyway, Hamsterium would be a great element name. And I'm not the only one to think that. Course Hero have a homework sheet featuring the element Hamsterium! It's almost tempting to sign up to get the rest of the details when the introductory section includes such lines as:

While it is impenetrable, scientists believe that inside of hamsterium are hamsters on wheels. There are two sets of wheels. Depending on the arrangement of the hamsters relative to the sets of wheels, we perceive hamsterium as black or white. (The hamster wheels are generators that power black and white reflective panels to the outside world.) The upper set provides the black colour, the lower set provides the white. When more hamsters are on the wheels of the upper set, hamsterium looks black, and when more hamsters are on the wheels of the lower set, hamsterium appears white. (Fundamental laws of hamster physics preclude an even number of hamsters.)


I'm not convinced by the colours of hamsterium. I'm sure the sheet should refer to hamsterium being a glorious golden brown as well as white.