A Hamster's Eye View of Blackpool

A blog from a hamster cage

We're growing trees.

03-Jun-2017 | Milku

Just might need to learn bonsai techniques to fit them all in.

It's Day 3 of 30 Days Wild.

You've probably heard of the Flame Trees of Thika. If we keep going, the Fruit Trees of Blackpool might become popular.

The 365 Outdoor Activities You Have To Try book has again spurred us on to try to add greenery to our environment...activity number 241.

My little humans have tried planting trees before. There’s a couple of tiny apple trees in the garden that they grew from seed a couple of years ago. They planted more apple pips at the start of the year. They’ve even managed to grow tiny peach and mango trees from stones in the fruit they wouldn’t eat! Look how big they are already. From left to right in the photo, we have a mango tree, a peach tree and an apple tree.

tree saplings in pots

This time they’re trying to grow an orange tree. Thanks to their Mum they got some seeds, pots and compost. They put them all together and are now hoping to see signs of life emerging through the soil eventually.

putting orange pips into pots filled with compost

I’m not interested. I’m not allowed citrus fruit. However, I might try anything else they grow.

They told me they enjoyed visiting the orangerie at Lyme Park recently. At the rate they’re planting trees, we might need to build something at our house.

Milku eating a basil leaf

Come back back later in the month when we'll tell you whether our orange trees have started to grow.