A Hamster's Eye View of Blackpool

A blog from a hamster cage

Minecraft Milku

23-May-2017 | Milku

A force to be reckoned with.

I think I've made it clear that I live to snack and that my little humans live to gaze for hours at computer screens (and in doing that they forget to eat!). The littlest one did that yesterday, but it was in a quest to create a Minecraft Milku.

Milku as a Minecraft character

Yes, it is a hamster. I was assured that it is. It has a pink nose... It also has the most wonderful cage and environment, but you'll just have to take my word for that as we didn't bother taking a picture of it.

I was flattered by the effort she'd put in to creating all of that. And I was inspired. After all some of those Minecraft animals can do amazing things.

Dragging my lightweight treat dish about 10cm into my upper den is a piece of cake carrot. I often do it just to tease my humans.

However, yesterday, I was empowered by my Minecraft alter ego to drag my heavy muesli dish from the upper platform, down the ramp and across the cage floor to my main den. I was just foiled by the size of my front door. After all that effort, the dish wouldn't fit through the gap. Talk about disappointed!

Milku with Lego

And my humans were just amused. Not sympathetic to my plight. No, they thought it was funny! Well, I got my own back. Oh yes. During the night one of the bigger humans was woken up by a lot of banging noises and thought a neighbour was being noisy. It turned out that it was one of his neighbours...me!...banging my seed bar on the wooden roof of my den!!

Mwahahahaha! (That's me doing an evil laugh. I was told that just saying "ha!" wasn't good enough for a wannabe evil genius.)