A Hamster's Eye View of Blackpool

A blog from a hamster cage

Crumbs, DM!

19-May-2017 | Milku

Penfold isn't a mole.

I'd always assumed he was a mole. However, I now have reason to believe that Danger Mouse's sidekick, Penfold, is, in fact, a hamster.

Danger Mouse and Penfold

But he doesn't sound like a superior sort of hamster to me. Subservient to a mouse! Fond of jam sandwiches! Codenamed "The Jigsaw" because he goes to pieces when a problem occurs!...um...actually...I can go along with being terrified at any sign of danger...

Anyway, I'm all set to watch Series 1, Episode 38 - Very Important Penfold. The synopsis suggests I might have misjudged that hamster. It reads:

"Penfold becomes a fully-fledged celebrity after an act of heroism saving Scarlett Johamster on 'Help I'm A Hamster in the Jungle' puts him in the spotlight, although DM suspects that all is not what it seems."

I wonder if the mention of Baron Silas von Penfold in the list of characters means that Penfold isn't actually the hero. Apparently the Baron is an evil version of Penfold from an alternate reality known as the Twystyverse. A super-villain hamster! That's more like it!

Now all I have to do is find the TV remote control...
