A Hamster's Eye View of Blackpool

A blog from a hamster cage

Multiple Universes

07-May-2017 | Milku

But only one Red Cross Week.

I was up and about, waiting for a couple of my humans to come home from The Vamps concert in Manchester and I tuned in to to the radio. I was aiming for a few dance tracks on Radio 1, but my paw slipped and I ended up listening to an interesting programme on Radio 4 called FutureProofing. About 35 minutes in someone mentioned the idea of there being multiple universes.

In another universe, I might be curled up with Katy Perry being fed choice morsels of food.

Or I might be in the Westchester Rescued Hamster Haven auditioning for a part in their next Hamster Star Wars movie.

But I'd really like to be in a universe where the Pets@Home hamster muesli doesn't contain any yellow flakes!

Milku closeup

Maybe, in another universe, hamsters are the most popular pets to have.

Or we could have unique skill sets that would see us be the creature of choice as an assistive animal.

I'd like to think that we'd be of use to such organisations as the British Red Cross. They're the reason my bigger humans met, you know...I wouldn't be here in Blackpool if it wasn't for the Red Cross. They're helping a lot of other Syrians right now too. But they do so much more than helping when disasters strike overseas. They work very hard in the UK too. Sadly, in this universe I probably won't be of great practical help, but this week is Red Cross week so there will be other ways of providing support.