A Hamster's Eye View of Blackpool

A blog from a hamster cage

Hamster Museum

23-Apr-2017 | Milku

There's one in Russia and, in my view, every country should have one.

I had a day off writing my blog yesterday. It’s so hard to get near a computer in my house at the weekend. All the small humans are either concentrating on developing Minecraft environments or are immersed in the world of Roblox. Actually, that can’t be all bad. They offer a hamster simulator game. I hope that’s what my little humans are playing.

I even spotted one Roblox game that mentions a hamster museum. Now that’s not as ridiculous as you might imagine. If gophers warrant having the Gopher Hole Museum in Torrington, Alberta, Canada, I don’t see what’s funny about setting up a Hamster Museum.

Diorama from the Torrington Gopher Hole Museum

And some Russians agree with me. They set up a Hamster Museum in 2013 thinking that studying pet hamsters would help children "learn to appreciate not only something exotic and rare, but also realize the importance of preserving the habitats of animals of the Yaroslavl region". The museum sounds well worth a visit if you're ever in Yaroslavl.

Milku the hamster with paper

Perhaps there'll be a hamster art gallery next...I'll just try to turn this paper towel into an interesting sculpture...