A Hamster's Eye View of Blackpool

A blog from a hamster cage

Happy Easter

16-Apr-2017 | Milku

Chicks and bunnies! How do they carry Easter treats? You need an Easter Hamster.

The whole place is full of pictures of "cute" chicks and bunnies. It makes me sick. An Easter kangaroo I could accept. It'd have a nice big pouch to fill with Easter eggs and similar treats. But a rabbit! A chick! They have no means of transporting anything. What the world needs is the Easter Hamster. Nice big cheek pouches for carrying eggs (well-wrapped, of course!). Big teeth to protect them from undeserving chocolate hunters. I hesitate to use the 'c' word, but you know hamsters are cute. A hamster would look better than a stupid rabbit on Easter cards and merchandise.

close-up of Milku the hamster

But I'll let it go for this year as I'm too busy enjoying the Easter treats that my humans gave me. No rabbits or chicks involved! And they're special hamster treats so don't get worried that I'm scoffing something that I shouldn't.