A Hamster's Eye View of Blackpool

A blog from a hamster cage

Ready for the weekend...

09-Apr-2017 | Milku

Actually, no, there is too much disruption to my routine.

Marilyn vos Savant is an American who is known for having the highest recorded IQ, according to the Guinness Book of Records. I found a quote attributed to her that says:

"Be in the habit of getting up bright and early on the weekends. Why waste such precious time in bed?"

Oh, Marilyn, I don't regard my time in bed as wasted. I sleep. I check out my food stash. I sleep... Well, I would sleep if those humans of mine didn't hang around and disturb me. They seemed to be awake earlier than usual this weekend. I heard something mentioned about church cleaning. Get to the back of the queue, church! My cage cleaning should take priority.

There was more disruption than usual. A Grandma was visiting and my humans were keen for me to meet her. I was given the 'opportunity' to run around a big box so she could say "hello".

Milku the hamster being stroked

Then there was something on TV called a Grand National. It looked like lots of horses running around and jumping over hedges. The man on the TV sounded very excited about it all. But what's the big deal about running and jumping?

At least there was a different treat on offer yesterday. I got a taste of a mealworm. I didn't leave that hanging around for very long. Delicious! Far more tasty than the tired old leaf that one of the big humans poked into my cage. Apparently, it's a palm, because it's Palm Sunday. I don't know why those humans think palms are so special. I'd rather eat my bedding. They should try having Hamster Sunday!

Milku the hamster