A Hamster's Eye View of Blackpool

A blog from a hamster cage

Relocation! Relocation! Relocation!

04-Mar-2017 | The-Hamster-With-No-Name

It was the day I'll never forget. One minute I was snuggled in a cage in Pets@Home, next I was moving house...

It was Saturday morning. Now, your might wonder how I knew that, me being a hamster and all, but it's very straightforward. Most days, the same people work in the shop, but on Saturdays it's different. Not better or worse, just different faces. Then there are the customers. There's far more of them around, especially small humans, and they are more likely to stare in the cages. Usually, it was easy to ignore them. After playing all night with my 2 brothers, we would just curl up in our nest and dare anyone to disturb us.

But today, the Saturday Girl had the cheek to wake us up. We'd only just got to sleep too! Our nest was lifted up to reveal the three of us and we could hear squeals of excitement from some small humans nearby. I couldn't help myself. I was the first to open my eyes to investigate and it was my downfall. Those humans decided they wanted to take me home. Now, I knew that I would leave the shop eventually. I even wished for it when the degus next door were particularly noisy or when my younger brother was hogging the wheel, but wasn't prepared for it right there and then. I could see the box they wanted to put me in and as the Saturday Girl reached in to grab me I bit her. I'm not proud of it and I wasn't keen on all the red stuff on my fur. In my defence, I was too tired and I hadn't had a chance to say goodbye to my brothers.

The humans were determined to take me in spite of my outburst. I was installed in a box and that was the last I saw of Pets@Home.

I woke up a long time later, still in the box. But, whoa! When I looked beyond the opening, there was a whole new world. A very large world. Now I'll talk about my new cage when I've fully explored it, but suffice to say that it's a lot bigger than the place I shared with my brothers. There's certainly nothing to complain about right now apart from the fact that there's no privacy. My new humans are watching every move I make. It's a good job I'm a bit of a show-off and don't mind trying new things. Of course, anything I do seems to please them. I'm glad I've still got my box to retreat to. The familiar smells of Pets@Home are a comfort.