A Hamster's Eye View of Blackpool

A blog from a hamster cage

Cage Improvements!

25-Mar-2017 | Milku

My cage just got even better.

Side view of Alexander cage

Call me picky, but I wasn't using the small wooden dens. After being "persuaded" to move out of my Pets@Home cardboard box, I set up my nest in the large wooden den that extends across the width of the base.

My humans thought that I wasn't using the upper levels either because they looked a bit difficult to get to.

So they've started to move things around. The wooden dens have disappeared to be repaced with a furry nest. To get inside, it seems like I'm climbing into a bigger creature's mouth! It's nice and cosy whatever it looks like.

End view of Alexander cage

A couple of small wooden platforms have appeared, attached to the side of the cage, to act as steps up to the top platform. And I have a new direct route from the platform at one end of the cage to the upper level at the other end of the cage. A purple tunnel has been installed. That's been a great help to me in getting around. And is a perfect place to hide when my humans look like they want a hug!

I've acquired a see-saw too. Not too impressed with that - no one to play with, after all.

I'm wondering what other entertainments might be provided in future, but for the time being it's just great.

Plan view of Alexander cage