North Shore Methodist Church First World War Memorial
There was a bronze memorial plaque in North Shore Methodist Church bearing the inscription: ‘to the glory of God and in honoured memory of the men of church and school who served their King and Country during the Great War of 1914 - 1918'.

The names are recorded on the memorial in five columns.
Abbot, H; Airey, H; Amber, C C; Ambler, G; Barclay, R; Bennett, A M; Berry, J; Bleasdale, J; Booth, R T; Booth, W; Boydell, F R; Boydell, S H; Brooke, W E; Clarke, H.
Davies, G; Dewhirst, N; Dewhirst, R; Fearnhead, E; Fletcher, J; Goldwin, O; Goodman, W; Graham, H; Hall, J; Handy, W; Helm, G; Hoole, R; Howarth, F; Humphreys, J E; Hurst, H.
Kemp, C; King, H; King, W H; Lec, J P; Lewtas, J; Lewtas, J W; Lewtas, R; Marshall, F; Mercer, J; Milner, H; Milner, J; Mitchell, A; Mullineux, S; Norton, T; Owens, J E.
Parkinson, H P; Parkinson, H; Parkinson, J; Raw, D; Riding, H; Riley, A E; Riley, C S; Riley, J A; Robinson, E; Ross, J; Rothwell, A; Row, H S.
Seddon, A; Seddon, A H; Skinner, G; Skinner, R E; Smith, A; Smith, J W; Speight, C; Taylor, H; Toothill, J; Walker, E V; Walker, W Watson, A E; Webb, T; Wells, G; Wilson, G; Woodman, C.