North Shore Methodist Church - Newspaper Article
Publication: Lancashire Daily Post
Date: Thursday June 17 1937
Title: Blackpool Choirs Take Prizes: Lytham St Annes Festival
The Lancashire Daily Post on 17th June 1937 contained the following article:
Lytham St Annes Musical festival started its second stage, today, with the tests for mezzo-sopranos, sopranos, baritone and bass singers, for the right to compete this evening for the Critchley Rose Bowl, the chief prize in the festival.
Last night, Blackpool choirs carried on the run of success which has been enjoyed individually by vocalists at this year’s festival.
North Shore Methodist Choir, conducted by Mr P. M. Dayman, carried off the prize for the Catlow Trophy for church and chapel choirs of not more than 30 voices. Central Methodist Church and St Mark’s were placed equal for second prize.