North Shore Methodist Church - Key Dates

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  1. A Trust was formed to purchase land bounded by Dickson Road and Cocker Street.
  2. The Mount Pleasant Wesleyan Chapel opened on 3 July 1888.
  3. Kelly’s Directory (Lancashire), page 109, the Places of Worship section includes: 'Wesleyan, Dickson Road, North Shore; 10:30 am & 6:30pm; Wed 7pm, seats 350'.
  4. Major William Hinksman gave the Trustees a gift of the land adjoining the site. A new Trust was formed on 29 December 1899 with the intention of building a new Church and school, utilising the whole of the land.
  5. Foundation Stones were officially laid on 4 April 1906 by Alderman Joseph Heap J.P., Mrs. Farrar, Mr. R. Hughes, Mr. W. Robinson, Rev. H.R. Glanville, and Mr. Wm. Thompson J.P.
  6. Mrs. Wm. Thompson opened the Church on 24 April 1907, in the presence of Rev. Albert Clayton, the president of the Wesleyan Methodist Church. The church was built in red brick, with ashlar dressings, an octagonal tower and a 4-bay nave. The architect was Mr George Payton of Birmingham. Messrs. S. Butterworth & Sons Ltd were responsible for the stonework and joinery. Samuel Kerfoot of Whitegate Drive, Blackpool completed the brickwork. Slating was undertaken by Messrs. E. Kay & Sons. Plastering was completed by Richard Miller of Albert Road, Blackpool. Messrs. Dodds & Levick of Carter Street, Blackpool were responsible for plumbing and painting, while Messrs. Foster Bros. from Preston completed the iron work.
  7. Kelly’s Directory (Lancashire), page 194, details 'The Unitarian Chapel in Dickson Road, North Shore, is an edifice in the Gothic style, built in 1883 and will seat 280 persons.'
  8. The Church became a Statutory Grade 2 Listed Building on 27 August 1998.
  9. The Church closed on 30 September 2018.
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