Marton Methodist Church - Key Dates

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  1. A Methodist Society was formed in Marton.
  2. The census return (by George Forshaw, Manager) for the Wesleyan Chapel in Great Marton indicates that the building could accommodate 84 'free sittings', with 36 'other sittings'. On Sunday 30th March 1851, 50 worshippers attended an afternoon service, with 21 Sunday scholars also present.
  3. The Chapel Road Chapel in Marton opened in 1872.
  4. Kelly’s Directory (Lancashire), page 110, makes reference to 'a small Wesleyan chapel at Marton Moss Side, erected in 1872 at a cost of £300 and seating 150 persons.' Services at the Methodist Chapel, Little Marton, were held at 2:30pm on Sundays.
  5. The chapel is referenced in the 1924 Kelly's Directory.
  6. Marton Methodist Church Hall and Sunday School were opened and dedicated on 10 May 1958, at Walker’s Hill on Midgeland Road. It comprised a hall, lecture room and three classrooms.
  7. The Chapel Road Chapel in Marton closed 1972.
  8. A new building for Marton Methodist Church was opened next door to the church hall in September 1975.
  9. Marton Methodist Church was closed for public worship.
  10. The church buildings were demolished.
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