4 years (date of birth 18 May 2019)
Date joined the household:
26 June 2022
Dark Furry Overlord, Katten
Previous name:
Fur colour:
Eye colour:
Distinguishing marks:
Small patch of white fur under my chin
Freedom to roam, eating, sock drawers
dogs, most other cats, treats bought at the church fete
Favourite meal:
Something fishy and lots of it
If I wasn't a cat I'd be:
A hobbit...they get a satisfactory number of meals a day. Three meals isn't enough, humans!
Face of a black cat looking towards the camera, yellow eyes slightly narrowed

So I'm a free spirit. Yes, I admit I had a comfortable home with potential playmates, but I just couldn't get along with the other cats. And those dogs didn't like me teasing them. They were no fun at all! So I hit the road. Well, the same few roads over and over again if I'm honest.

Eventually I found myself in a garden full of young humans with access to tins of tuna and packs of ham. It seemed churlish to refuse. I visited. And then kept visiting. Cat food and treats were being added to the menu. Do I look like a fool? Of course I went back.

One day a Homeward Bound lady turned up to check my chip. It's not one I could've eaten otherwise it would've been long gone.

So everyone then knew I was 'Patch', a runaway, a so-called troublemaker.

Even so, the next thing I know, I'm the newest member of the family. The cat transfer window must've been open. So I got to stay as 'Kuma', with the adoration of my new Humans and just one dog to tease.

It's not a perfect world. There's a lumbering fool watching out for me all the time. No, not you, Human Dad. I meant Jak. The DOG!

I'll let him introduce himself. Don't be taken in by him. He's not as smart as he thinks. If I had a dish of food for every time he's walked right past me when I've been sitting in the shadows, I'd be fatter than him. And just so you know, that's impossible.