Blackpool Methodists - Newspaper Article
Publication: The Preston Chronicle and Lancashire Advertiser
Date: 29 August 1846
The Preston Chronicle and Lancashire Advertiser on 29th Aug 1846 contained the following article:

London Missionary Society – On Monday evening last, a public meeting was held in the Wesleyan Chapel, Blackpool, in aid of this institution. Robert Barbour, Esq., of Manchester, was called to the chair, when the various resolutions were moved and seconded by the Revs. Messrs. Scott, Brocklehurst, Illingworth and Smith, Wesleyans; by R. Halley, D.D., and __ Harrison, Independents; by __ Jones, of the Countess of Huntingdon’s connexion; and by Messrs. Dilworth and Hamer.
The addresses were characterized by a spirit of Christian harmony, and by a charitable disposition towards all sections of the Christian church, for increased exertions to extend the blessings of the gospel of Christ to heathen lands.
The collection at the close of the meeting was £6 14s 1d; which, together with £3 6s 5d in subscriptions, amounted to £10 0s 6d.