Blackpool Methodists - Newspaper Article
Publication: The Preston Chronicle and Lancashire Advertiser
Date: 24 May 1890
The Preston Chronicle and Lancashire Advertiser on 24th May 1890 contained the following article:

During the past three years Wesleyanism extensions in the Fylde district have continuously taken place. At Blackpool two new chapels have been opened; at South Shore a new building has been erected at a cost of £5,000, and is free from debt; at Fleetwood new schools have been recently opened; at St Annes-on-the-Sea a mission hall has had to be constructed to relieve the chapel previously existing; at Poulton a larger place of worship is shortly to be commenced; while at the mother chapel in Adelaide Street, Blackpool, increased accommodation has been a long felt want.
On Saturday, at the last mentioned place, the foundation stones were laid of larger and commodious lecture rooms, vestries, and also extension to the school premises. The stones were laid by Mrs Dugdale (Burnley), Mrs Robinson (Claremont Park and Preston), Mrs Dr Kingsbury (Blackpool) and Mrs Davies (South Shore). The Rev. H H Vowles announced that the cost of the building would be £1,600, towards which they had about £500 in hand. The following amounts were then handed up and acknowledged: - Mrs Dugdale, £20; Mr Sutcliffe, £5; Mrs Kingsbury, £15; Mrs Davies, £15; and Mr Robinson, £5.