Blackpool Methodists - Kelly's Directory 1895

Publication: 1895 Kelly’s Directory (Lancashire)

Page: 107

The Wesleyan chapel, Rawcliffe Street, South Shore, opened in 1889, is in a mixed Gothic style; the tower is not yet completed; the cost, including the organ was £5,050, and there is accommodation for 700 persons; there is a memorial window to the late Francis Parnell in the chancel at the west end; there are two other memorial windows, one given by Thomas Ward, the other by William Kenyon in memory of his mother.

1895 cutting from Kellys's Directory about Rawcliffe Street Wesleyan Chapel in Blackpool

Page: 109

Places of worship for Blackpool includes:

Wesleyan, Bank Hey St and Adelaide St, Rev. J. Holland Brown; 10:30am & 6:30pm; Tues 7pm; seats 750.

Wesleyan, South Shore, Rev. George Harbottle; 10:30am & 6:30pm; Thurs 7:30pm; seats 300.

Wesleyan, Grosvenor St; 10:30am & 6:30pm; Thurs 7pm; seats 350.

Wesleyan, Dickson Rd, North Shore; 10:30am & 6:30pm; Wed 7pm; seats 350.

1895 cutting from Kelly's Directory about places of worship in Blackpool

Page: 110

The details for Little Marton include ‘Methodist Chapel, Little Marton; 2:30pm’.

1895 cutting from Kellys's Directory about Marton Methodist Chapel in Blackpool
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