Adelaide Street Methodist Church - Newspaper Article

Publication: Blackpool Herald

Date: Friday December 28 1888

Page: 8

Title: Treat to Children

On Christmas Day, the children attending the Wesleyan Sunday School, in the four lower classes of boys and the six lower classes of girls, were generously entertained to tea in the Adelaide Street school room by Mr J. Maude. The little ones partook freely of the good things provided, after which an entertainment was given by them, including songs, recitations, glees, &c.

1888 newspaper cutting about Christmas tea for Sunday school children at Adelaide Street
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Publication: Blackpool Herald

Date: Friday December 28 1888

Page: 8

At the Wesleyan Chapel, in Adelaide Street, there was a moderate congregation present, when the Rev. Z. Robinson preached a sermon appropriate to the season. The musical portion of the services was much appreciated.

1888 newspaper cutting about a service at Adelaide Street Methodist Church
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