Adelaide Street Methodist Church - Newspaper Article
Publication: The Fleetwood Chronicle and Fylde Advertiser
Date: Tuesday July 27 1915
Page: 5
Title: Not in Berlin: Blackpool lecturer and the future of the world
There were good congregations at the Wesleyan services in the Grand Theatre, Blackpool, on Sunday, when the preacher was the Rev. C. Ensor Walters, the assistant secretary to the London Wesleyan Mission.
Last evening, Mr Walters gave an address in the Adelaide Street Wesleyan Church on “The Heart of the Empire” or “The Battle for Christ in London”. They were, he said, very conscious in these critical days of the wonders of the British Empire. This little island was the centre of the greatest Empire the world had ever known. The Empire, thank God, consisted of free nations who loved the motherland, and there was no more striking illustration of the glory of the Empire than the sacrifice of the present hour. Behind the present struggle great moral principles were involved. We were all conscious of the sins, which as an Empire we had committed, but behind all he thanked God there was the righteousness which exalted a nation, the love of liberty, the sense of justice which sprang from the eternal struggle of Jesus Christ. There was a struggle for the Kingdom of God going on in the heart of the Empire in London. They believed the future of the world was not to be in Berlin but in London.