Adelaide Street Methodist Church - Newspaper Article
Publication: Fleetwood Chronicle and Fylde Advertiser
Date: Friday March 23 1900
Title: Wesleyanism in the Fylde: New Minister Required
The Fylde Wesleyan Circuit quarterly meeting was held in the Adelaide Street Church, Blackpool on Monday night. The meeting, which was preceded by a tea, was the largest remembered in the history of the circuit. The Rev. T. Hind (superintendent minister) presided, and was supported by the various ministers and Messrs. T. Hartley and W. Kenyon, circuit stewards, and Mr W ___, secretary.
The financial statement showed that notwithstanding some exceptionally heavy items of expenditure, a substantial balance remained. Mr Hind gave the numerical returns of church membership, which again showed an increase and a considerable augmentation in the number of junior members. These returns were all the more gratifying as they followed upon an increase running through several successive years, and amounted to an aggregate increase of some 150 within the last three years. A vote of thanks proposed by the Circuit Stewards, complete with an invitation to remain a third year was given to Mr Hind, and accepted. The same was done for the Rev. J. Dunk, of South Shore, and the Rev. T. M. Dickinson, of Fleetwood, many addresses being made on each resolution, all of which were carried unanimously.
As the Rev. J. P. Hodgson leaves at next Conference, the recognition of his very acceptable services was left according to custom till the June quarterly meeting, but on the motion of the Circuit Stewards, a cordial and unanimous invitation was given to the Rev. J. Cannel Harrison of Huddersfield to succeed him.
It was felt that more ministerial and pastoral attention should be given to the growing population at the North end of the town, especially in view of the large new church building scheme, ___ which progress was reported. Considerable discussion arose as to the desirability of at once calling out a fifth minister, but ultimately a resolution was carried committing the further consideration of the proposal to the June quarterly meeting.
The Rev. T. M. Dickinson read the educational returns, which were considered fairly satisfactory, though some points evoked criticism and improvements were suggested. The day school returns showed that the Adelaide Street school, under the management of Mr Cunliffe, had attained to the highest position possible, and received considerable commendation. The foreign missionary returns were presented, and showed an increase on the year. The circuit chapel returns were not quite complete, but when presented by the secretary, (Mr R _ Waterhouse) in the afternoon, showed an increased income, and debts almost reached the vanishing point. The ___ returns were brought forward by Mr Adam Howarth, the circuit secretary. With the exception of one or two of the smaller places, there was a Band of Hope in connection with every church; but it was felt that more should be done in the way of reaching the adult population and a committee was appointed to secure better circuit organisation and to ___ a forward temperance movement in the circuit.
The position of the Twentieth Century Fund was reviewed, and hope was expressed that a sum exceeding the 1,500 guineas already promised would be reached before the end of the year. To do this, it was felt that the effort must be general and be supported by every adherent of Methodism in the district. The Adelaide Street Church had reached 530 of the 600 guineas aimed at. The Circuit stewards expressed their intention of being present at the District Synod in May at Southport, and Mr Roger Fogg, of Fleetwood, and Mr C. J. E. Coop were elected Circuit stewards, with Mr T. Charnley as vice.