Adelaide Street Methodist Church - Newspaper Article
Publication: The Preston Chronicle and Lancashire Advertiser
Date: 17 September 1864
The Preston Chronicle and Lancashire Advertiser on 17th September 1864 contained the following article:

United Methodist Free Church, At Blackpool – Last night week, the members of the United Methodist Free Church congregation in Blackpool opened a new chapel in Adelaide Street, the opening sermons, morning and evening, being preached by the Rev. John Guttridge, of Sheffield.
The building of this chapel is the result of efforts commenced eight or nine years ago, by Mr Hayhurst and Mr Clegg, who hired an old chapel in Chapel Street, which belonged to the Independents, contained accommodation for 400, and was and is popularly known as the 'Little Chapel in the Wilderness'. The infant cause was connected with the Preston circuit, whose local or lay preachers supplied the pulpit until, in 1856, the Rev. J Guttridge was stationed in the town by the conference of the connection. About that time the church consisted of six members.
The 'Little Chapel in the Wilderness' was occupied about three years, and then was built, in Adelaide Street, in the rear of the site of the chapel just opened, at the cost of £170, a school room in which about 150 adults could meet for worship. In this school room the services have been held up to the present time.
Mr Guttridge was followed in the ministry by the Revs. H Cook and Boyden; and the present ministers are the Revs. T B Saul and James Batten.
The church numbers 37 members, and about 60 scholars attend the Sunday school.
The new chapel is not without architectural pretensions, and yet it has been constructed with remarkable economy. It is built of brick, with some stone dressings. The little school behind corresponds with the chapel, but white bricks are introduced into its arches. All the seats are open, and there is room on the ground floor for 400, so that, with the gallery, the chapel will accommodate 500 or 600 with a little crushing.
The architect of the chapel was Mr Sutton of Nottingham.
The chapel, the school and the land have cost £1,700; the chapel £1,200, or £2 odd a sitting, which is a remarkably low average. The chapel is said to be £1,000 cheaper than any other in the town, making due allowance for size and circumstances. About £800 has been raised.