Adelaide Street Methodist Church - Wesleyan Foreign Missions
Publication: The Preston Chronicle and Lancashire Advertiser
Date: 17 November 1877
The Preston Chronicle and Lancashire Advertiser on 17th November 1877 contained the following article:

Wesleyan Foreign Missions – The annual sermons in connection with the Blackpool branch of the Wesleyan Foreign Missionary Society were preached in the Wesleyan Chapel, Adelaide Street, Blackpool, on Sunday. The morning sermon was preached by the Rev. G C Mayes, of Fleetwood, and in the evening by the Rev W Perkins. The congregations were large on both occasions.
On Monday evening the annual meeting of the same society was held in Adelaide Street Chapel, and was also numerously attended. Mr Thompson presided.
The Rev. G C Mayes spoke at some length, tracing the career of the Wesleyan Missionary Society, and referred to the improved state of society in England, and in various parts of world at the present date, compared with what it was at the time the Wesleyan Missionary Society was first established. He urged greater efforts to enlighten the heathen and un-Christianised peoples and trusted that the work of Christian missions would prosper more in the future than even they had in the past.
The Rev. S Cocks, superintendent of the circuit, also spoke, referring to the numberless heathens who had not been reached by the gospel.
The reports were read by the Rev W Perkins, which showed that the income of the society was last year £146,234 and the expenditure £164,285, a deficiency of £20,000. The income of the Blackpool branch had been £27 9s 6d collected, £18 5s 2d Christmas offerings, £6 1s 2d collections, morning and evening on Sunday last, and £11 17s collected at Monday night’s meeting. Making a total income for the year of £63 12s 10d. The reports were adopted.