Adelaide Street Methodist Church - Newspaper Article
Publication: Blackpool Herald
Date: Friday April 14 1882
Page: 7
Title: Wesleyan Sunday School Union
The Blackpool Herald on 14th April 1882 contained the following article:
The half-yearly meeting of the Wesleyan Sunday School Union of the Blackpool circuit was held on Good Friday, in the school room, Adelaide Street. There were present representatives from the Fleetwood, Thornton, Lytham, South Shore and Poulton schools. After tea, the Rev. J. M. Pilter took the chair.
The visitors’ reports of the schools in the circuit were read by Mr J. Taylor (Banks Street), secretary, and some discussion took place thereon. The reports were generally satisfactory.
A model lesson was given to an infant class by Miss Newham, head mistress of the Chorley Wesleyan School. The lesson was founded on the text ‘A friend loveth at all times’, illustrated by the story of David and Jonathan. An interesting discussion on infant teaching ensued, maintained by representatives from all parts of the circuit.