Adelaide Street Methodist Church - Newspaper Article

Publication: Blackpool Herald

Date: Friday May 6 1881

Page: 5

Title: Blackpool Wesleyan Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Society

1881 newspaper cutting about Blackpool Wesleyan Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Society

The closing meeting of the above association took place in the Adelaide Street schoolroom on Friday evening last, in the form of a tea, presided over by the following ladies:- Mrs Davenport, Mrs Gosling, Mrs J. Taylor and Miss Butler. After tea, the following programme was efficiently rendered by the members and friends. During the evening the choir, under the leadership of Mr Gosling, sang a number of glees in capital style:-

Glee – ‘Let the hills resound’ – The Choir

Reading – ‘Good and bad matches’ – Mr S. Rigby

Duett – ‘The Gipsy Countess – Miss Thorpe and Mr W. H. Coop

Reading – ‘The barrel organ’ - Geo. Stansfield

Reading – ‘How Billy Armitage got a night’s lodging’ – Mr H. Gosling

Song – ‘Softly smiles love’s golden summer’ – Miss Thorpe

Reading – ‘The Spanish champion’ – Mr J. E. Coop

Reading – ‘The hen-pecked husband’s lament’ – Mr J. H. Highley

Glee – ‘The ash grove’ – The Choir

Recitation – ‘The last days of Herculaneum’ – Mr B. Longbottom

Reading – ‘Hallowed ground’ – Mr G. H. Brierley

Speech – Mr J. Taylor

Song – ‘The Vicar of Bray’ – Mr W. H. Coop

Duett – ‘The larboard watch’ – Miss Thorpe and Mr J. Law

Glee – ‘Hail smiling morn’ – The Choir

The song by Miss Thorpe was loudly encored as it really deserved to be. As was also the duett by the same lady and Mr W. H. Coop. The recitation by Mr B. Longbottom was capitally given and it showed that gentleman was not lacking in retentive memory.

After the above programme had been gone through, and the usual vote of thanks passed to the choir, chairman (Rev. J. M. Pilter) &c, the company separated by the singing of the Doxology.

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