
[Kuma]: So what's going on?

[Jak]: Well, my fur's growing back. A bit. They say it feels soft, like velvet. There are even patches of brown hair in places.

[Kuma]: You still look bald. Your rear is so bright! It was so easy to follow you all when you went for your walk around the block.

[Jak]: We saw you. Didn't think you'd follow us all the way around.

[Kuma]: You have to make your own entertainment sometimes. It's fun to watch you try to spot me in the gardens or under cars. You didn't go very far anyway.

[Jak]: Vet's orders! But going on short, local walks is very frustrating, as is being carried home from the park. I must look ridiculous.

[Kuma]: Well, I didn't like to say...

[Jak]: I think the folks are a bit worried because I limp a bit. My other knee lets me down at times. Still, I go to get checked over soon so we'll find out more then.

[Kuma]: Well, that's all very interesting. Not! I was really asking about...

[Together]: Nikita!

Face of a small black and white dog, wearing a multi-coloured bandana

[Kuma]: She's far too interested in my comings and goings. My head hurts from all her barking.

[Jak]: Think about how I feel. I'm with her all day and all night. She barges past me to get to Mum and Dad, Or to get at you! Heh! Heh!

[Kuma]: I thought you'd like cuddling up and doing a spot of sniffing...No? Oh, well...Anyway. Why?

[Jak]: Why has she moved in? You know...

[Together]: Dad!

[Jak]: Apparently she needed a new home and Dad couldn't say no. Just be glad he didn't bring the pug along with her.

[Kuma]: Do we have to change the name of our section? Will she want to tell her stories too?

[Jak]: Let's leave it for a bit. She's only going to tell everyone about learning to be house trained and how scary the outside world is.

[Kuma]: Might be more interesting than you...