(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party)

[Kuma]: I sort of get why you both try to chase me and wouldn't be giving me a lot of loving if you ever managed to catch me. But why do I keep hearing a lot of grouching and shouts at other times?

[Jak]: Maybe it was the kids arguing...

[Nikita]: Maybe Dad stood on something...

[Kuma]: Nikki! I thought you'd got used to going outdoors.

[Nikita]: Oh yes, I like going for walks now. I can spot loads of cats. Under cars, in driveways, sitting on walls...

[Jak]: Er, no. She means going outside.

[Kuma]: You're worse at pussyfooting around things than I am! I thought Dad didn't have to deploy the poo bags inside the house any more.

[Jak]: Actually, he still has to for Noah...but, yeah, Nikki has the occasional accident.

[Kuma]: Ew! Dogs!

[Kuma]: I know you two fight. I've heard the snarls. I've had to get out of the way of humans running to break up scraps. I've seen the new head gear...

close up of a small black and white dog's face wearing a black fabric muzzle.

[Kuma]: Those muzzles are classy!

[Jak]: You wouldn't like wearing one.

[Kuma]: I don't need to. I'm perfectly well behaved.

[Jak]: Right. The humans suspect you of fighting too. You came home with a scratch the other day I heard.

[Kuma]: At least I don't fight with my house mates. Haven't you got used to her yet?

[Jak]: Why blame me? I'm not the one who kicks off...mostly. She gets jealous of the attention I get.

[Nikita]: I get jealous? Why...it's you who starts lunging for me...grrr...

[Jak]: You're too bouncy, pushing in everywhere, getting all the cuddles. Just cos you can jump and climb and...grrr...

[Kuma]: I'm off! Muzzles, please!